3 Things You Won’t Have to Worry About if You Have a Truck Turntable
Industrial and commercial property managers are forced to deal with a wide range of different issues, risks and problems. In many cases, the process of loading, unloading, and parking heavy trucks around the shipping dock represents the most worrisome operation. Most shipping docks offer a limited amount of space for truck drivers to manoeuvre their vehicles around other trucks and into or out of the loading area.
By installing a truck turntable, industrial and commercial property owners can increase efficiency and greatly reduce the risks associated with the shipping dock area. There are number of different issues you won’t have to worry about once you install a truck turntable.
1. The Dangers Involved with Refuelling
The process of refuelling on a commercial or industrial property can be filled with risks and inefficiencies. Every truck must move from their parking spot to line up at the fuel pump and, with multiple trucks moving at the same time, the potential for an accident increases. In these scenarios, risks concerning worker safety and property damage become very serious. Property owners and managers could go crazy worrying about the possibility of trucks colliding with works, equipment, and even fuel tanks.
A refuelling area where the trucks have to drive through or back out of would consume a lot of space and lower efficiency. Although it would be nice to use a mobile fuel canister to refuel the trucks in their spots, this idea would be expensive and comes with its own set of potential problems and productivity issues.
A truck turntable installed near a facility’s gas pump could lower or even remove damage and injury concerns. A truck can drive onto the turntable, refuel, and then rotated to be able to drive out of the refuelling area, keeping the need for risky manoeuvres to a minimum. With a truck turntable, the process of refuelling becomes a safe, fast, and efficient procedure.
2. Loading and Unloading Accidents
A truck turntable can also greatly improve safety and efficiency in loading and unloading areas. Accident rates tend to be high in these areas due to complex manoeuvring and traffic, but truck turntables make the movement of trucks in these areas much simpler. Even in tight, confined spaces, the rotation ability a truck turntable provides can make a huge difference.
Truck drivers simply pull their vehicle straight onto the platform. Then, your operator will spin the truck into the correct position for loading/unloading. When the process is complete, the turntable can be rotated again to allow the truck to drive straight back out into open area. Sharp turns and movements in reverse account for most accidents around the loading dock. A truck turntable eliminates the need for any of these manoeuvers.
3. Inefficient Operations
For many industrial property owners, the shipping area represents the most inefficient section of the facility. Without truck turntables, the area requires a large staff and a lot of rarely used space. The process of controlling truck traffic and the loading/unloading procedures can be very inefficient. Truck turntables greatly improve the efficiency in the loading dock area and allow valuable space to be used for other profitable opportunities. They also decrease the amount of time needed to place the trucks in the right positions for easy unloading or loading.
Truck turntables can turn the area of your facility that you worry about the most into a great example of efficiency and safety. Spacepark takes pride in installing truck turntables that meet all of your requirements and improve the way your business operates.
To learn more how we can help you improve your business efficiency by solving your parking problems, contact us today for a quick discovery call 1300 64 0070